Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Searching in a local database

SDK : M5-rc14

Previously, we searched in an array, now we are going to do that in a database. I'll be using the image viewing application from previous posts. The steps are,

a. Create a database in and insert the name and path of images.

b. Access the database in and retrieve the values.

public SQLiteDatabase db = null;
public static String dbase = "imagedb";
static String dbTable = "my_table";

try {

createDatabase(dbase, 1, MODE_WORLD_READABLE,null);
db = openDatabase(dbase, null);

} catch (FileNotFoundException e)

db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "+dbTable+ " (Name TEXT, Path TEXT);");

for(int i= 0 ; i< imagelist.length; i++)
// mFiles[i] = imagelist[i].getAbsolutePath();

db.execSQL("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO " + dbTable + " VALUES ('"+ imagelist[i].getName() + "', '" + imagelist[i].getAbsolutePath() +"');");

- Nothing much to explain here. They are the basic SQLite statements.

public SQLiteDatabase db = null;

protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle)

db = this.openDatabase(Images.dbase, null);
}catch(FileNotFoundException e)

- Open the database in onCreate().

Remove/Comment the following code in doSearchQuery(). Thats the array part.

for(String file : Images.mFiles)

And add the following code after queryString in doSearchQuery() method.

String[] values = {"Name", "Path"};
Cursor c = db.query(true, Images.dbTable, values, null, null, null, null, null);

int name = c.getColumnIndex("Name");

int path = c.getColumnIndex("Path");

if (c != null)
if (c.first())
do {
String imagename = c.getString(name);
String imagepath = c.getString(path);

} while (;

- We'll query the database for all the names and paths. But we are not using the name.

- Add the matching paths to the result ArrayList and pass it on to the Uri array like before.

These are the only differences between searching in an array and a database.

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